P!$$ED up Steve!

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A Merry Christmas to everyone! 2012 has some groovy gigs coming up. 27th April, I’ll be doing a sort of Seasick Steve tribute, using my latest guitar edition shown in the last news item. In keeping with my persona, the tribute will be called “P!$$ed up Steve” and I’ll be using the Chickenbone John Cigar Box guitar in addition to the Busker Delta Blues resonator. Read More...

Another new one!

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Time for another new one -well, two actually. A new look site and a new guitar!
Skidders will be picking up his new cigar-box guitar this Saturday from fellow Smethwickian, Chickenbone John. All a bit Sea Sick Steve and what’s more, it was custom built match Skidders Stomp Box. Read More...

Bukechi get together at last!

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Not only are Bukechi doing their first gig for over two years, but in their inimitable style, they will be doing something totally different!
Sammi and Skidders will, as Bukechi, be meeting Ella Fitzgerald and they play songs from the Ella Fitzgerald Songbook series.
Further to Skidders interest in Jazz and acquiring a Peerless Jazz guitar, the unique voice of Sammi against this new genre for Bukechi, has lead to a brand new set of songs, sure to please all listeners. Read More...

Follow the Light!

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I will be appearing as guest lead guitars on the brand new solo album from Benevas Nathan Bennett. From Nathans PR office:
Nathan Bennett returns in March 2011 with the brand new album Follow The Light. It features 10 new songs all written, composed and produced by Nathan. Steve (Skidders) Skidmore will add guitars and bass to various tracks bringing the whole thing to life. Read More...